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Using an eportfolio: frameworks vs standards

Many providers unsure how to use an eportfolio to manage apprenticeship standards effectively.

Using an eportfolio: frameworks vs standards

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Eportfolios have been used to deliver apprenticeship training for a long time now.

But since the new standards were introduced, a lot has changed – and many providers aren’t sure how they can use an eportfolio to deliver apprenticeship standards effectively.

The biggest change that affects how apprenticeships are delivered is the shift from assessing to learning. In the old frameworks, apprentices were assessed on their ability to meet criteria throughout their programme. Then once they’d met all the criteria, they completed the course. The new standards have completely changed this. Apprentices now have to develop a deep understanding of the KSBs (knowledge, skills and behaviours) in the standard and spend at least 20% of their contracted hours completing off-the-job training. When the apprentice has met these requirements, they then complete 1 end-point assessment (EPA) at the end of their programme. And apprentices are graded now, so they need to really know their stuff for the EPA.

This means instead of recording assessment evidence as they go along, apprentices need an eportfolio to record evidence of their progression of learning – which is totally different. And here’s where the comparison between using an eportfolio for frameworks vs standards begins.

Recording evidence

Although apprentices aren’t assessed on-programme any more, they still need to record evidence of learning. Learners can use their eportfolio to record evidence against the KSBs in the standard and store it in one place ready for the EPA. With an eportfolio like OneFile, apprentices can upload evidence of learning to build their portfolio. They can also use the learning journal to reflect on how their learning has impacted their professional practice – which is an important part of the new standards. Apprentices can add evidence to learning reflections and link them to criteria, so they form part of the learner's portfolio.

Progression of learning

A new element of apprenticeship standards is showing evidence of the progression of learning. Most eportfolios will track progression against the criteria, which does show progression on programme, but doesn't capture evidence of learning. With OneFile's evaluation scorecard, apprentices can rate their understand of each KSB when they start their programme, and then continue to score themselves as they progress. This allows apprentices to evaluate their skills and captures evidence of their progression of learning – which is what Ofsted wants to see.

Gap analysis

Like with the apprenticeship frameworks, tutors delivering standards can use the gap analysis feature in their eportfolio to find any gaps in knowledge and plan activities around them. With OneFile, tutors can complete a gap analysis, plan activities and assign learning content using one unified system.

20% off-the-job training

The 20% off-the-job training requirement is new to apprenticeship standards, but some eportfolios have built-in features to help users manage it – which is a godsend. When apprentices record activities in OneFile, they can simply select whether it was completed on or off the job. OneFile will then calculate how many hours they’ve completed as a percentage of their total contracted hours, so the apprentice, tutor and employer know how close they are to the 20% requirement.

End-point assessment

Although apprentices aren’t continually assessed any more, they still need an eportfolio to record evidence for the EPA. With OneFile, apprentices can create a portfolio showcase – an online collection of their best evidence and download it into a read-only file. This can then be sent to the EPAO and used during the apprentice’s presentation.

All new starts must enrol on an apprenticeship standard – the old frameworks have been discontinued. This means providers need to know exactly how the new standards work and manage them effectively. OneFile has been designed for apprenticeship standards, so it has tons of built-in features to help you deliver apprenticeship standards – from an off-the-job training tracker to a content and quiz builder.

To find out more about OneFile’s eportfolio and how it can be used to deliver the new standards, download our free guide.

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This article includes research and opinion sourced by OneFile at the time of publication. Things may have changed since then,
so this research is to be used at the reader's discretion. OneFile is not liable for any action taken based on this research.