two people collaborating

Eportfolios: what do employers think?

Here are 5 big fat things employers love about eportfolios.

Eportfolios: what do employers think?

two people collaborating

Colleges and training providers across the country are already sold on eportfolios.

They've been using eportfolios to manage training for years – but now employers are getting involved too. Since the recent shift towards learning and development, and the new apprenticeship standards, employers now play a major part in the training process. They write the standards, use training to grow their business, and can even deliver training in house. This means employers need to know exactly how their learners are getting on throughout their programme – and eportfolios help them do just that.

1. Monitor progress

Eportfolios are all about accessibility. The whole learning journey is recorded online and can be accessed at the touch of a button. This means employers can log in to view progress, set activities and send feedback - whether they're with the learner or not.

2. Work with providers

Employers have to work closely with training providers and end-point assessment organisations (EPAOs) to get learners through their programme. Waiting for email replies and missing calls can be really frustrating – but with an eportfolio, communication is easy. All parties can log in to send instant messages, leave comments or video chat – it's easy.

3. Save money

With an eportfolio, there's no printing, paper, travel or storage costs – the whole training process is managed online. This could cut resource costs by 80% – which is great news for everyone!

4. Give feedback 

The majority of vocational training takes place on the job, so employers have a huge role to play. With an eportfolio, employers can log in to view their learners' portfolios, leave feedback and help their learners grow into the future leaders of their business.

5. Track quality

With an eportfolio, there's nothing to hide... This means employers can assess the quality of training and support offered by the training provider and offer extra support if needed. It also means internal and external assessors can follow the full audit trail online to find the evidence they need for quality assurance – making quality inspections quick, easy and compliant.

So there you have it: 5 big fat things employers love about eportfolios.

At OneFile, our eportfolio is so well-respected, it's the most popular one on the market. In fact, many employers ask their training provider to use OneFile over any other software.

To find out why so many employers love OneFile, download our free guide. We'll explain how it works, how it can benefit your business, and show you around the software.

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This article includes research and opinion sourced by OneFile at the time of publication. Things may have changed since then,
so this research is to be used at the reader's discretion. OneFile is not liable for any action taken based on this research.